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The Healing Tree Complementary Therapies
in Maidstone, Kent

BLOG / NEWS. blog

MARCH 2022

Wow, I know I'm not the most prolific blogger, but a whole year has passed since I last posted on here! I guess it's a good sign of being busy working with clients, so I can't complain.

Here's a blog I posted to our CLUB CHI blog page (just because I prefer the layout options on that website!). Connect to the rising spring energy and allow yourself to focus on what you need to keep you well. I refer to the 4 pillars of wellbeing and ask you to reflect on a few areas. Have a read by CLICKING HERE and let me know how you get on!

MARCH 2021

Well, I don't quite know where the year's going... and this is whilst we're still in lockdown too!

However, better late than never - and in readiness of our next Virtual Vitality Day - here's a round-up of February's Virtual Vitality Day and and info re the next one on Saturday 13 March. It's a 2 minute read by CLICKING HERE


BLOG / NEWS. VVD group pic


KICKING OFF THE YEAR with good intentions! CLUB CHI (together with The Healing Tree) launched the first VIRTUAL VITALITY DAY on Saturday 9 January. You can read more about it via CLUB CHI's blog page by CLICKING HERE




A New Year... what will 2021 have in store? I think I can safely say nobody expected 2020 to go the way it did and, although we are still living with tiers, restrictions etc., I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.

As promised in the video I shared on Facebook and LinkedIn, here is the written copy of my 'Ode to 2020'... a year I think most of us are happy to see the back of! Although, even in the darkness, there is light to be found - what positives have you found from last year? What insights have you gained?

Personally, I've learned to just go with the flow... often, there hasn't been much choice! For somebody who can be a bit of a planner, to not know where I've stood regarding my business from one week to the next, I've had to surrender to being open to dealing with things at that point in time, rather than planning too far ahead. I've appreciated the stillness, the quiet and I was really grateful for the weather we've had which allowed me to get out on walks, to see nature and her seasons.

Although I want things to get back to 'normal' asap and to be able to be working in full capacity once more, it's the positives I must focus on... and so must you. Don't let yourself get dragged down in negative thought - it's so easy to do. Try and rise above it, focus on positives (however small) and give thanks to what you do have (again, however small). Let's not see 2020 as a wasted year - let's see it as a year where we've grown, we're more compassionate, we're more in tune with ourselves and, together, we move forward into a brighter, healthier future for ourselves, for our planet and for mankind.

With love,

Lorraine x

BLOG / NEWS. Tai Chi


Well, almost a year since the last blog post. That's one thing I'd like to get into more of a routine with and post insightful, informational and engaging blog posts during 2020.

However, before I start planning my time to be able to do this, I just wanted to share a couple of links about CLUB CHI - launching this month and all details can be found on the CLUB CHI website. You can also read one of our blogs by CLICKING HERE

Additionally, in advance of the sessions launching at Southcote Proactive Healthcare this month, there is an article in their monthly magazine which you can READ HERE

Enjoy and please do get in touch with any questions. Movement therapy is a great way to help your daily wellbeing - so come and find out what it's all about at CLUB CHI!


Well, that's January already over... where did that go?! And if February's starting with you feeling the need to try something new, or perhaps revisit a therapy you've had before and want to try again, have a read of my post featured on the Southcote website about Reiki. A gentle, yet powerful treatment.


Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything in the blog - not because of lack of news... just lack of time! It's been a busy few months at The Healing Tree in the lead up to the end of the year and I've a feeling this year is going to whizz past just as quickly as last year! I hope the start to 2019 has been a good one for you all so far and you are feeling happy, healthy and have a focus for what you'd like to achieve this year. If not, get in touch and we can start that journey together and get you to where you want to be.

I've currently got an article in the latest edition of Kent Connexions (Winter 2019). It's a great magazine and can be picked up at many local stores and cafes around Kent - so don't miss out! I also have some at The Healing Tree, so please help yourself to a copy. In the meantime, CLICK HERE to have a look at the magazine... and you can read my article about Reflexology!


Well, the summer holidays came and went in the blink of an eye! It was a busy summer at The Healing Tree and I'd like to thank you all for booking yourselves in for treatments, whether they were for yourself or for a loved one. Thank you!

September has got off to a busy start and it seems to be a month for continued learning. The weekend of 8th and 9th September saw me heading into London for 2 days of studying Dien Chan Zone. Click THIS LINK to read more about this amazing therapy. Gentle, yet powerful and with a strong element on self-care following and in-between treatment sessions, this really is where you can take your health into your own hands! Contact me to find out more details.

And as we head into this week, it's time for the next practical unit of the Merishia Canine and Equine Diploma Course (CLICK HERE for more details). I can't wait for this unit as we'll be starting the hands on work with regard to massage techniques and the case studies will commence! Any doggie or horsey companions you have and which you feel may benefit from being at the receiving end, please get in touch!

JULY 2018

Wow, what a scorcher! Who says the UK doesn't have proper summers?! :o) I'm thoroughly enjoying this lovely weather and the nice thing about undertaking courses in the summer, is often the training is held outside... and that was exactly the case for commencing the first practical units of the Canine and Equine Merishia Massage course. It was great not only to be working with dogs and horses for two days respectively, but to be outside and getting some lovely summer air.

So, I'm now in the throes of working through the course content and have 3 more practical units to undertake (Sept, Nov and Jan) and at each one I'll be learning the massage techniques which will enable me to hopefully become a qualified Merishia Massage practitioner in Spring 2019. It's been fascinating so far to look at these animals in a different way - visualising and feeling both the skeletal and muscular systems within the animal.

I'll be looking for case studies from September onwards, so if you have a horse or doggie companion who you think would benefit from me practising massage techniques upon them - and you're happy to help, then please do get in contact with me.

To find out more about Merishia Massage, please CLICK HERE to read more about what I'm undertaking.

JUNE 2016

I thought I'd share with everyone a blog about Reflexology Lymph Drainage which can be found on the Southcote website. RLD is a wonderful therapy and may assist with a whole range of symptoms.


APRIL 2018

Wow... where did March go?! I must have got caught up under all that snow and couldn't defrost enough to post a blog! So, we're nearly at the end of April and the blossom on the trees is looking absolutely stunning and looks like confetti outside the front of The Healing Tree's private practice. The sun is currently shining too - although not quite the temperatures experienced in the UK last weekend... when I was in Spain - typical!

But, one thing I was doing throughout March was my case studies for Reflexology Lymph Drainage. I've absolutely loved working with 3 lovely ladies and seeing how the treatment benefited them during our time together. And now, I'm happy to say I'm officially an Approved RLD Practitioner.

It really is a wonderful treatment and is adaptable to being incorporated within a traditional Reflexology treatment. That really is the wonder of Reflexology as a whole!


So, February's shaping up to be another busy month - over half way through already - yikes!

In addition to being busy with clients at the various places from which I practice, I have also trained in Reflexology Lymph Drainage with Sally Kaye. You can CLICK HERE to read more details about Sally's excellent work on her website. I'm currently doing my own case studies to gauge first-hand the benefits which can be gained from this therapy, but you can book in for a treatment at any time. I'm really excited to be offering this form of Reflexology and reaching many people with lymphoedema, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and other auto-immune conditions in the hope of improving their well-being.

Also this month, I've done a blog for Southcote Proactive Healthcare about the approach of Spring and getting your health back on track with the help of The Healing Tree.

As always, should anything be of interest to you and you wish to enquire about the range of therapies on offer at The Healing Tree, I'm only a phone call, email or text away!

JANUARY 2018 - part 2

Another interesting article for you to read and share - this time the hot topic is Tumeric! I'm always interested in natural ways to help our health - whether that be by diet, exercise, massage, meditation etc. The health benefits being attributed to tumeric (and curcumin) are many - and if we can improve our health by adding this fantastic spice to our diet, let's get started now!

Here's an article containing the many health benefits of tumeric. Have a read and share to your friends and family. Let me know if you currently reap the benefits of tumeric... and if you're yet to start, let me know how you get on!

CLICK HERE to read more.


Firstly, Happy New Year to you all! Another year - is this the year where you're dedicated to looking after you? More of that in due course and for future posts but, in the meantime, I wanted to share an article I posted on my Facebook page about the menopause. It's a part of life that us women will go through at some stage in our lives and symptoms and experiences will vary greatly from woman to woman. An interesting article from The Complementary Medical Association #CMA for self-help tips and ways to relieve symptoms - have a read and share to your friends. CLICK HERE to read more.

In addition, complementary therapies can also be of great help, with many women gaining benefit from #Reflexology - both Foot and Facial.

Contact The Healing Tree for more information and by 'Liking' my page (Facebook, Website, Twitter and Instagram), you can stay up to date with health news and promotions - win/win! 🤗👍💚

BLOG / NEWS. Zone Face Lift Eye Closed



Going to a party or have a special occasion and want to bring a glow to your face? Book yourself in for a Zone Face Lift massage NOW!

What is it?

Zone Face Lift massage is a facial massage with a difference – incorporating health and beauty within one treatment. Using organic Neal’s Yard Remedies products, the treatment includes facial reflexology, natural facelift massage techniques and non-surgical facial stimulation tools (such as Guasha and cupping) – leaving your skin revitalised and re-oxygenated.

And as a special treat for clients booking over the festive period, you can include the luxury facial at no extra cost (usually reserved for clients booking onto the programme or repeat bookings).

Currently offering a £15 discount per 60 minute treatment at £50 or £70 for 90 minutes.

Get in contact with The Healing Tree to book your appointment now!

BLOG / NEWS. massage therapy


International Stress Awareness Day - 1 November 2017

Stress - don't let it rule your life and affect your health. Do you suffer from anxiety? Migraine and headaches? Tension? IBS? ... these are only a few of the symptoms of stress.

The Healing Tree is offering a £5 discount off your first appointment when mentioning this post.

It's International Stress Awareness Day on Wednesday 1 November - act now and take that first step to wellbeing.

Based in four locations: Salisbury Road, Southcote Proactive Healthcare, YMCA Maidstone and Freedom Leisure Maidstone


#HealthAndWellbeing #LookAfterYourself #TheresOnlyOneYou

BLOG / NEWS. I'm Fine - Mental Health

OCTOBER 2017 - part 2

World Mental Health Day - 10 October 2017

As mentioned in my post last week, two very important health awareness campaigns have been at the forefront recently – ones which can affect any one of us at some time in our life. The second awareness campaign is World Mental Health Day on 10 October.

This year’s #WorldMentalHealthDay focuses on mental health in the workplace.

Figures showed a study of 2,000 adults commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation found that the average adult will say “I’m fine” 14 times a week – although just 19% really mean it.

And almost a third of those surveyed said they often lied about how they felt to other people, whilst 1 in 10 went as far to say they always lied about their emotional state.

Life can be tough and depression is now the leading cause of ill-health and disability worldwide (WHO 2017). That’s an alarming statistic and perhaps that’s where Holistic Therapies can help.

At The Healing Tree, clients can switch off, relax and have some quiet ‘me’ time, or they may wish to talk during their treatment - when often just having a listening ear can help.

The benefits of therapies such as Reflexology, Functional Reflexology Therapy, Facial Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Body Massage or Coaching can assist with a broad spectrum of conditions and stages in your life.

Stress, anxiety and depression can affect us at any point in our life from childhood to adulthood; male and female; as a result of a medical condition; other factors in your life such as being a carer; work, home, family & environmental stress; during and post pregnancy. Life can be stressful.

Why not take the first step to feeling better and contact The Healing Tree to make an appointment? Take action now and live the life you deserve.


#WorldMentalHealthDay #Stress #Anxiety #Depression #LookAfterYou #HealthandWellbeing

BLOG / NEWS. Back Care

OCTOBER 2017 - part 1

Back Care Awareness Week (2-8 October 2017)

The next couple of weeks brings attention to two very important health awareness campaigns – ones which can affect any one of us at some time in our life. The first one is Back Care Awareness Week (2-8 Oct 2017) and the second is World Mental Health Day on 10 October.

We’d all love to think we’re invincible and that illness – either physically or mentally – will never be a factor in our lives, however the odds are sadly stacked against that being the case.

Back Care Awareness Week is focusing on back pain at school and the stats are that 1 in 4 UK kids is affected by back, neck and shoulder pain - carrying heavy school bags being one of the causes.

Backs are precious and need to be looked after. And just because you’re in pain today, doesn’t mean you’ve got to suffer for months/years on end.

Back pain can affect us at any stage in our life – in childhood, during pregnancy, parenthood and beyond, from exercising and activities to sitting for long periods due to work. It can affect us all – young or old, male or female.

Are you in pain? By visiting The Healing Tree, you have access to a range of therapies from body massage, reflexology or vertical reflexology therapy to name a few.

Take action now and don’t let pain stop you living your life.

Available to see clients at my private practice, Southcote Proactive Healthcare, YMCA Maidstone, Freedom Leisure Maidstone

#BackCareAwarenessWeek #BackPain #DontSufferInSilence #LookAfterYourself #Reflexology #Massage

BLOG / NEWS. Reflex circle

SEPTEMBER 2017 - part 2

It's World Reflexology Week on 18-24 September 2017.

Discounted taster treatments available during 18-24 September - so why not book yourself in and find out what it's all about? Happy reading!

BLOG / NEWS. Baby feet

SEPTEMBER 2017 - part 1

September at The Healing Tree is all things baby-related! Due date: mid-end of September!

Pregnancy can be a time of great joy, together with some worries and anxieties, as well as aches and pains. Mums-to-be deserve to feel their best and enjoy the experience as much as they can. One way of supporting mums-to-be is with holistic therapies - which may help you to feel calm, increase well-being, relieve aches and pains and help your body prepare for the next part of your journey together.

At The Healing Tree, I will soon be offering Pregnancy Massage and Maternity Reflexology (supporting women from conception, throughout pregnancy and post-natal).

I'll be posting updates, but please get in touch if you have any questions or wish to book yourself in!

BLOG / NEWS. Tintagel 2017


August has been a busy month at The Healing Tree - starting at Southcote Proactive Healthcare and seeing clients at Maidstone Wellness Centre at YMCA (Cripple Street), Maidstone Sports Injury Clinic & Wellbeing and my private practice. It's been so nice to have been able to accommodate more clients throughout the week now I'm able to commit to The Healing Tree full-time.

August also saw us take a well-earned holiday down to Cornwall. Lots of fresh air, sea views and walking ... even got to swim in the sea twice (wasn't expecting that!). As I never tire of seeing the rugged cliff views and seascapes Cornwall has to offer, I thought I'd post a pic on here too. Just seeing this kind of setting makes me feel relaxed. I hope you enjoy it too!

JULY 2017

The Healing Tree is spreading its roots ...

As from 1 August 2017, I will be offering therapies within Southcote Clinic. I will be at Southcote on a Monday and Friday and am really looking forward to joining the team. More details to follow but you can read the latest Southcote Newsletter which has details on my arrival.

JUNE 2017

So, if you are looking for a complementary therapist who is passionate about massage therapy, reflexology and healing, have a browse of my website and let's work together to help you be the best version of you.

EXCITING OFFER!!! Not only is The Healing Tree a therapy for all seasons, but we've now got a discount for all seasons too!

Why not book in an appointment and pick up a seasonal discount flyer while you're here?

BLOG / NEWS. seasonal flyer

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